Arise, My Darling!

Arise, my darling!

The night has been long, and the darkness has been heavy, weighing down on your soul like a burden too heavy to bear.

The light has been vague, somewhere distant through a hazy fog, and you’ve felt blind while groping through shifting shadows,

But now is the time to arise…

Arise, my darling!

As those dreams slip away and your eyes open to reality, you begin to see what’s already around and within you.

As those nightmares lose their grip and you find your courage, you can face the day with boldness and grace.

Arise, my darling!

Your past no longer defines you, nor can it steal your present joy as you fasten your heart to the hope of the future.

Your failures cannot stop you, nor can they prevent you from turning them into success as you grow in wisdom.

Arise, my darling!

You are beauty and strength, a prism of endless colors radiating in every direction, painting the terrain wherever you go.

You are limitless and free, a deep spring of fresh water that flows through all climes, refreshing and giving life to all creation.

Arise, my darling!

Others are waiting for your confident steps to blaze a new trail where there is none, allowing them to walk through safely.

Others are watching your form as you express the beauty of your heart in a myriad of ways, inspiring them to do the same.

Arise, my darling!

Arise, my darling!

Others are ready for you.


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Dear Dreamer