Nuance The Nation’s Narrative

This decade began with a bang.

We experienced changes on a global scale that seemed to come out of nowhere, and the effects of the pandemic pounded unrelentingly against all aspects of our lives.

Confusion about what to do, fear about what could happen, and doubt concerning who to believe. With job loss running rampant, riots in many cities over social injustices, and general outrage with how it’s all being handled, it felt like experiencing the opening scene to a post-apocalyptic movie — not quite sure where it’s going, but having a gut feeling that it’s not gonna be good.

Although the effects of 2020 were widespread across most nations on earth, every one experienced those effects in unique ways.

We could look at the negatives that happened: fears, disease, job loss, rise of domestic abuse, rioting, economic crisis, and so on. Or we could look at the positives: uhhh… what were they, again?

We learned that hyper-independence is a farce. We remembered the importance of family. We grew in the power of local community. We reflected on our pains and chose to heal. We fought for the things that truly matter. We formed loving relationships. We expressed our hearts in new creative ways.

If we alter our perspectives to look at the cultural shift that happened, we may see it as a beautiful nuance to our nation’s narrative; a gentle stroke of color across a drab canvas; a sweet kiss to the soul, reminding it to simply be.



Begin anew.


The Gentle Hand (a poem)